heart-jewelry and link to it more properly displayed


Please allow this page to access the internet for this cute movie to play when you click on the arrow.

The original song by the artist, Kina Grannis on YouTube

original artist, in first unpolished version

girls are listed by appearance
this is Jennifer Chung


Valentine's Day :  
   ver small heart and link to fabio Jr. lovesong   heart-left     heart-in-rose    heaat
   ver small heart and link to a  lovesong   
   smaller heart and link to love songs     hot for words imae of star and link to story on valenties day     smaller roundish heart and link to love songs of all time   


Annd Shea and the choclte making video







image of penis graffiti and link to funny cartoon about dondum usage and females


girl with soccer ball shows how to clean his balls




Kicesie and a link to her views on oral sex




eye makup like The Berrard used to wore at STCC

sweet dreams by Eurythmics