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dox Seminaries, Orthodox the True Church,

Charlie Knight
his milestones for

November 07   to  November 13, 2010

contact him by
email at or     or
U.S. mail at 32 Byers Street, Apt. # 101, Springfield, MA 01105
if you can offer help or assistance in any way.

I am writing this on almost the First day in December. I have been very ill, can't seem to do much, and so very tired. I am trying to catch-up.

Church I think I went to, can not remember, really felt so ill. I rested all I could so that when I was picked up at a meeting outside of the Good Life Center, and also City Housing Dept, I would be ready to act as Grand Marshall. I was delayed 10 min. in leaving the building due to the discussions and decisions we had to make and halted Richard A. as he was driving north. He was so afraid we would not get there early enough that he left. He can come to the assigned spot at least 45 min. before I said I would be there and got more anxious by the minute. But the installation was held in the crampted quarters down stairs because of the difficulty in walking of the installing officer and two of his staff. It happened ok, I was very nervous in my part and fortgot little things I should have remembered. Tuesday at 7am Joan Marcil (the Choir Director at St. George Church) brought me to Bay Path College for a morning conference . I left the event early to get back to the services at church in the chapel of the cultural center as it was my name day. And when I had signed up it was for an event starting at 7:30AM with registration at 7AM. But they did not start registering until 7:30AM and the event did not start until 8:05AM. I enjoyed the time there and the conversation with the girl from Girls Inc. that had been spoken so highly of by the Directer of Girls Inc. at the lst such breakfast meeting at Bay Path College. That evening was to be a meeing of the Valley Interface Macintosh Users Group, and I went but no one else showed up. Wednesday was the meeting of the Tenants Union and we had a quorum this time, but not much got accomplished because many folks just could not stay focused on the things at hand. The efforts of Home City Housing to get the tenants on their side was working. People are ignoring great injustices just since they have some current pleasures. But I can not expect much more from so many people that will not work on the issues that might have brought them to homelessness and seem not to want to improve their lives one bit. Often I am chided because I try to work on community organizations instead of hanging around and trying to make myself look important. Thursday I tried to rest some and was off by bus to Amherst early, had to leave by 10AM in order to be at the Hadley Garden Center before 5PM. I spent some time at the Salvation Army and in reading. I got a few things to remember the day by and met Sam White when he arrived a little bit later. Then his installing suite joined us in a van and we proceeded to Beacon Lodge where he was to install the lodge. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Warden were there and I told the Grand Marshall that I would be there to escort them in with form because that night he was installing another lodge. It is not normally done to have a Grand Master's visitation on the same night as the District Deputy Grand Masters Installation of the officers of a lodge. But Sam White (PGM) was so gracious about it and so we watched on the sidelines and came in at the end so the two events were sort of broken up. They had a delicous meal beforehand and I told the lady that had made the biskets that they were the best made this side of the Rocky Mountains. On Friday I got a ride with a friend who works in Greenfield now and went to Bob Cummings house to try and help him with computer things and getting his boat ready for the winter. It seems things were explained over and over again and we came in to warm up some since it was so cold and I played for him then new apple video on the new Apple MacBook Air, which uses the technology of the iPhone and iPad. We did not get much more done on the boat but I did feel we had a sort of Users Group meeting together. I want to get back up to help Bob soon.

Saturday I was just plain so tired I rested all day in hopes of being able to do things Sunday after Church.



I think the folding bicycle I got was an expensive bicycle but I have ruined any value it had by scratching it so when I tried to get off of the train tracks. If you click on this link it will tell you a bit about this happening.

Please continue to pray. My back and especially my neck muscles often hurt, but the pain in the hands is decreasing. But after the accident my arms hurt and my neck again. The professionals still say I need hearing aids in both ears. I am happy with the way the 2nd opinion Doctor is proceeding, cautiously and by getting lots of empirical information before a decision is made .I am under MassHealth paying for my MediCare so I have experienced first hand what "ObamaCare" would be like. As I said, it hurts, but then relieving the pain is not a priority when you are not an important person. I was happy NOFA thought they could use me. I can not seem to even volunteer, no one seems to want to use me .

God is healing that spine and I might not need another operation.

I will take buses and hitch hike if need be to get to the family home and start throwing out things out. But in reality, I might not be able to do any of that this fall.

I often feel I have not made the right decisions most of the time. I just does not feel good to think you are a called a worthless nobody by many people and the inference is that can not contribute much at all to life and the "society" is taking care of your minimal needs until you finally hurry up and die. That review of my life is so depressing. It seems that every time I have had an opportunity to make a decision, I have made the wrong one. People seem to say I make the wrong decisions BUT if I do follow their advice, and it turns out wrong, I am still blamed for doing so anyway. When I came back from Grand Lodge I was told that regardless of what some people may think, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, I.O.O.F., sees a value in me and I should focus upon that positive expectation. I just do now know what to do. I will be away from Saturday anyway through maybe Tuesday of next week. I am hoping to get my stuff out of Alice's home which she is trying to sell. I am despairing as I don't think I can do that. I seem to be so strangely ill.


Glendi was our Greek Festival at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, which I was not help at for a third year in a row. I hate being old and sick.

My lodge (Springfield # 235, I.O.O.F.) has asked me to be Secretary for another year. So I know what I am doing for the 1st and 3rd Mondays this year.

I think one needs to rely on GOD and test the advice you are given and then go forwards;"full speed ahead"!  I would like to attend Grange, but can't get there.

I think back on the Cathedral of the Pines I went with Ray Laborde and his wife Pauline to and the "Steak Roast" I went to at Amherst Lodge at one of their members large back yard in the country. I do like the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the good works of beneficence that they do..

The Bible Reading Guide that it seemed God prompted me to assemble for the Orthodox Study Bible is in a PDF format for people to look at, perhaps others would enjoy keeping up with it.



charlie, nektarios ippotis


The info. below is still sort of ok.

I have made a tri-fold resume like a brochure, my doctor said no work for at lest the next 3-6 months, ouch. It was last year, October 18th, when many donated to the Western Massachusetts Arthritis Foundation Walk. My back hurts, my neck hurts, I just plain hurt. I hope people will donate also again this coming fall.

Soon I am helping in the Relay for Life of the American Cancer Society. We had meetings on it this week on the PTK induction ceremony next week but I did not go.


What follows are the new information about my injuries and the progress from my NeuroSurgeon! I am in great pain and have difficulty doing many things.
I said last before that I would probably take them down from here. Now I will keep them up a little longer so you can see what I am having difficulty in healing from.

about central cordd syndrom and new findings         Old Medical News        spine and ares that is screwed together

Click on the images above to go to links to more information

I was released of the braces on the same day as my accident, but 4 months later!   BUT THE ALMOST CONSTANT PAIN IS CHANGING SOME.  
And they do not know why the pain came, but was glad it seemed to be going away little by little!!! Now it is back worse than ever. I am scared.

The new medicines are helping the pain in the left had some, but moving it and exercising it seems to be the best thing. I thank God for my current Primary Care Doctor and for the "Second Opinion Surgeon" that said I could ride a bicycle and be more active if I was careful.. But after the July accident I have not done so. I hurt a lot in my shoulders arms.
Thank GOD for any and all improvements. Especially I thank God I can walk and do some things. I am told that because of the vertebra injured, medically, they did not even expect me to walk.

I pray this fall and the coming winter are full of blessings for you and yours.

My email is or the college at
as I hope to be able to take at least one course in the Spring.

The telephone number in Springfield is (413) 732-7077 or you can write to me there at 32 Byers Street, Apartment # 101, Springfield, MA 01105-1221.
It looks like I will be there throughout the winter this year.
I feel so much worse in many ways than I did when I was in the Rehab. Hospital.
Often have to rest up all day in order to go to a meeting at night for 2 hours and then I am so tired I am glad to get to bed.
But sleep does not come with the Narcolepsy, so I am up and then back to bed all night long.
I feel so rotten and worthless because I came to Springfield trying to get work and could not do so
and now I have to spend over 20 times the cost of repairs to tear down the family home.
I feel so rotten and worthless and it is no wonder no gal wants to even
be an escort with me to a free meal. Thanks for your prayers.

I feel I have let down God and humanity.
It is no fun feeling that you are
just worthless.